О конференции
Dear colleagues!

We would like to announce the International Conference ‘Languages of Psychoanalysis: creating the bonds’, that will be held in December 2024 in Istanbul. This meeting allows everyone who loves psychoanalysis to take a part in exchange of professional knowledge and experience in direct communication.

More recently, going and practicing online were extraordinary and bold steps for specialists in the psychoanalytic community. Nowadays many people have dispersed to different countries and cities, working behind the monitors of their computers and phones. The Internet, needless to say, has expanded our capabilities and communication, opened new horizons. Whereas in the past only few could embrace new technologies, now it is demand of time and face-to-face offline meetings have become a rare and special treat. All of us have an opportunity to listen to topmost lecturers and communicate with each other due to online technologies, but there is a lack of something, even not always visible, that is born only through face-to-face communication.

That is why we, conference-planning committee:
Edunote.info, Institute of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, Association of Private Practicing Psychotherapists, Russian Psychotherapeutic Association and others () opens up the new page of professional psychoanalytic community development and provides the conference that will be annual, as we hope.
Aim of conference: transmission of psychoanalytical skills and practices directly from hand to hand. In person. In one place.
We chose Istanbul as an international hub - a city where, thanks to direct flights and oriental hospitality, it is possible to meet people from different countries and far corners of the world. The place where East fulfills West provides us with opportunities to maintain old acquaintances and create new connections.
We invite you to participate in the International Conference ‘Languages of Psychoanalysis: creating the bonds’ where you can gain a new invaluable experience of both professional and warm interpersonal relations on December 6-7-8, 2024.

The conference will feature a two-day program of master classes, supervisions, and round tables. Here are some topics:
  • Psychoanalysis: A Magnificent Century
  • Psychoanalytic neutrality: myth or reality
  • Language and identity in the context of psychoanalysis
  • Attack on ties: Not Just Bion
  • Cultural differences in psychoanalysis: analysts and patients
  • Masculine and feminine in psychoanalysis
  • he evolution of the language of psychoanalysis: from Freud to modern times and other topics
Moreover, the third day is a day when you can communicate informally and attend cultural mass events: cruises along the Bosporus, excursions, sightseeing and spending time among like-minded people.

The conference will bring together Andrey Ivanovich Kulikov, Natalya Mihaylovna Popova, Alexandre Nepomiachty and others.
Those who want to get more impressions we recommend to come earlier - there is a prepared program starting from Monday, December 2, where you can discover Istanbul: sightseeing, restaurants, shopping on bazaars with a guide, etc.

See you soon in Istanbul!

Conference-planning committee intends to provide organizational assistance to participants at all stages of preparation and holding of the conference!